What Strain Do You Suffer from When Staring at a Computer Screen?

Summary: Computer screens emit blue light which might be harmless at first but with overexposure comes strain and eye irritation.

Every day, people are staring at their computer screens for hours without a break. Doing this isn’t just detrimental for your eyes but it can also cause lingering issues. Choosing the right type of contact lenses is important not only for your vision but also for the health of your eyes as well.

The Effect of Screens

Computer screens can affect your eyes in a variety of ways, with many you don’t even know of yet. You may be suffering from things like reduced blink rate, variable vision, eye strain, and irritated eyes. The average person blinks once every five seconds, which equates to 11,000 times each day.

However, when you’re staring at a computer screen, you’ll far less likely not to blink or not as fully. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that when looking at a computer screen, people are more likely to blink five times less than the normal average – which in turn causes the irritation and strain.

How Do You Prevent This from Happening?

This article isn’t designed to completely stop you from going on your computer. It’s actually the opposite. Everyone at some point needs to use a computer or a digital screen and following the right care protocols while doing so can reduce the amount of strain your eyes go through on a daily basis.

Avoid facing a window and make sure the room that you are working in is well lit. The difference in brightness between your computer and the room can cause discomfort and irritation.

Take a 20-second break every 30 minutes. While doing so, try and focus on an object at least six to seven feet away from the computer. You can also keep your eyes moving while looking at various objects in the distance. This helps your eyes naturally adjust and may lower the chances of irritation. Or, you can simply look out your window, which not only helps your eyes but can make you relax.

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